Update for Bacon

Update for Bacon

Friends of Bacon, I have a treat for you!

First some context: usually I visit Bacon at the very end of my day since he is crated during the day and free overnight.  I’m often with him as he eats his dinner and just after when he’s a bit groggy from his anti-seizure medication.  But a few weeks ago I was lucky enough to be at Tabby’s Place on a day when he was released early!  (His roommate Sally had chemo that day, so she was happy to snooze in her own crate earlier than usual and allow Bacon some extra free roaming time.)

Because of this, I got to visit Bacon before dinner… and found out that he’s quite chatty when he’s hungry.  And so I give you a few minutes of conversation with Bacon: click on this link 

As you can see he isn’t a big fan of being petted.  If he’s in the mood he’ll let me gently pet him just at the top of his head, but usually, he just lightly grazes my fingers as he walks by me.  Anything more than that and he chirps and scampers away.

Usually, once Sally is in bed for the night, Bacon can be seen in his crate staring intently toward the door as if willing his dinner into existence by telekinesis.  But when he’s out and about he’s much more vocal and sprightly in his demands.  Having never heard Bacon chat so much I was thrilled to discover this new facet of his fascinating personality!

Bacon has otherwise had a blissfully uneventful month.  He’s in good health and has maintained a healthy weight.  He still has occasional seizures, but they’re well controlled with his medication.  A small change to his routine has made his medication easier to administer:  where it used to be mixed into his wet food and thus not eaten if he disliked the flavor of the day, now he gets his medication in a small amount of baby food and then gets his wet food afterward.  This seems to have worked wonderfully because he loves baby food and regards it as a treat and is then happy to move on to his proper dinner.  (In fact, once or twice I’ve seen him pick at his dinner and then go back to lick up the last few dollops of baby food.)

He’s also continued to surprise and impress anybody who happens by the office while he’s hunting the red laser dot.  He’ll never be the fastest or most accurate hunter, but just seeing him carefully track his prey and then happily pounce is a joy.

Thank you as always for your continued support of Bacon.  Until next month!

Your correspondent,