Update for Bacon

Update for Bacon

Happy September, Bacon lovers.

I hope you have had a wonderful end of summer.

Bacon seems to be doing somewhat better this month. His seizures have been more controlled, although he is still having some. It is looking like our vet team has found a better medication combination.

Bacon’s personality is definitely brighter and more engaged. He also seems less agitated, as long as the environment around him is kept calm. It is nice to seem him wanting to interact when people are visiting.

There are a couple of issues we do need to keep an eye on, however. First, Bacon is getting a little chubby. It makes him look even cuter, but it is not ideal for any cat to be overweight. This also leads to our second concern.

Bacon was noted to be urinating more than what is considered normal. Our vet team checked his blood glucose (BG), and it was, in fact, elevated. Bacon is on oral steroids to help manage his seizures, but with long term use, steroids can cause diabetes. So, the Tabby’s Place staff is adjusting Bacon’s steroid dose and monitoring his weight. We’ll regularly check his BG to make sure he isn’t becoming diabetic. He definitely has enough to deal with right now.

My most recent visit with Bacon was hopeful. He was definitely more interested in interacting with me. He was content with being pet and spoken to quietly.

Bacon is a very sweet boy, and he is so lucky to have your support. Enjoy the rest of your summer, and I look forward to bringing you your next update in October.