Update for Bacon

Update for Bacon

Happy August, Bacon fans.

First of all, I would personally like to thank each kind sponsor who participated in the Linda Fund Matching Challenge this year. Tabby’s Place raised a record amount of donations this year. Those funds will go towards life-saving emergency and specialty care for cats like Bacon and others with Special Needs.

Onward to your Bacon update. Our handsome silver friend is still struggling with his seizures. He has a camera set to watch him at night, so our veterinary team can evaluate whether he’s improving with treatment. Having witnessed some very troubling seizures on the camera, our staff has become concerned that Bacon could actually injure himself when he seizures.

So how do you solve that problem? A Pack ‘n Play, of course. This is a soft playpen for children that our staff has modified for Bacon to sleep in at night. Because it is a soft enclosure, Bacon’s playpen will protect him from hurting himself if he has a seizure. Just as a side note, most of the cats at Tabby’s Place are not placed in cages. However, if there is a medical or behavioral issue, they will be placed in cages at night to keep themselves and others safe. In Bacon’s case, leaving him free-roaming overnight is sadly not an option, given the risk of injury.

We are still working with a world-class neurologist to manage Bacon’s care. Scary diseases like FIP, toxoplasmosis and cryptosporidiosis have been ruled out, thankfully. But it is still a mystery why Bacon seizures even while on medication. One medication made him almost “zombielike”, so now he only receives that at night, when we want to help Bacon sleep anyway.

The staff has also noticed that Bacon has spacey moments during the day. These moments may themselves be absence seizures. We are concerned that Bacon may have suffered some brain damage from having seizures, so our team will continue to monitor him very closely. As always, the goal it to ensure the best quality of life possible for Bacon, while keeping his seizures to a minimum.

My last visit with Bacon was a quiet one. He was resting comfortably, which was so nice to see. He was alert but seemed more peaceful than the last time I saw him.

Bacon is a sweet boy, and I cannot thank you enough for sponsoring him. Your support helps Tabby’s Place to keep searching for the perfect balance of medications, and to work with specialists to find answers. Enjoy the rest of your summer, and I will see you in September.