Update for Anka

Update for Anka

Dear Friends,

Mmmmm … grass!

The Great Outdoors is calling me! And how lucky am I to have so many wonderful people to help me answer the call?! When it’s not too hot outside, I’ve been going on stroller rides. Occasionally, I get to run around in the grass in my own luxury outdoor accommodations. Mostly, I just eat some grass and take a nap in the shade.

Other times, I hang out in my own special space and watch all the comings and goings in the Quinn’s Corner lobby and the other kitty suites across from me. There’s been a lot of action this month with the addition of several donor recognition plaques and walls. They look amazing and highlight just how loved and supported we all are.

I’m smitten with all the visitors who stop in and spend time with me. I’ve been told I’m very popular at Tabby’s Place. Maybe it’s because I love people so much – everyone I meet is so kind, sweet, and loving.

Happy Independence Day, America!

For a while, I thought I’d miss all the action in the main Tabby’s Place lobby when I moved to Quinn’s Corner, but there’s no lack of action in my new space. And I get to share it with my favorite species.

Not only are you my favorite species, but you are also one of my best friends and supporters. Thank you for all the love you continue to share with me. I’m sending you lots of furry hugs and kisses.


(With help from your correspondent, Mary)