Update for Anka

Update for Anka

Dear Friends,

This is my sad face

April showers may bring flowers, but in my case, the month started with an upset tummy. My tummy issues made me feel awful. My breathing rate increased, I was bloated and gassy, and I didn’t want any food or treats. As my friend and sponsor, you know when I turn down food, I do not feel well.

This made me sad, and I started feeling sorry for myself. I lost some of my spunk and, because I can’t talk to my special Tabby’s Place humans to tell them what’s wrong, I communicated the best way I could—I started making sad-sounding noises.

Luckily, the amazing Tabby’s Place staff watch me closely and noticed something was off. A physical exam didn’t show a clear cause for my discomfort, but I was put on an anti-inflammatory medication and I’m feeling much better now. I’m happy to report that my spunk is making a comeback.

As the weather continues to warm up, I plan to go for more frequent stroller rides outdoors. The fresh air and chirping birds will do wonders for me.

I’m feeling better, thank you 🙂

It’s officially kitten season, which means lots of little cuties will find their way here. These little ones are fragile and need lots of care, so the kind people here are kicking off their first Cherish the Kittens fund drive to help care for them and their nursing moms. Even though I’m not a fan of other cats, even I almost melt at the sight of these tiny babies with all their potential.

Thank you for all your continued love and support!

(With help from your correspondent, Mary)