Update for Anka

Update for Anka

Dear Friends,

Medication can be a wonderful thing, especially when it saves lives. In my case, the behavior medication I’ve been taking saves other cats because it prevents me from wanting to attack them. So now that I’m joyfully living in the Volunteer Office with my favorite humans, and where no other cat can invade my space, the kind Tabby’s Place staff started to taper down my behavior medication.

Well, it turns out that, without my meds, I’m a major cranky-pants when it’s time to be expressed. To be sure, it wasn’t a urinary tract infection that made me more agitated, as I was checked and the diagnosis was confirmed: Infection—negative. Cranky pants—positive. So, my dose has been reinstated!

I’ll tell you when you won’t ever see me cranky: when you bring me food. Someone visited me the other day and when she opened the door to come in, I was so excited I was spinning in circles. She was overjoyed that I was so happy to see her. She then quickly realized that someone was coming in behind her with a bowl of kibble for me and THAT was the source of my excitement. We had a good chuckle, and after I inhaled my kibble, I curled up with her for some power cuddles.

I’ve been told that spring is coming and the lovely folks here are getting ready to dust off the strollers. I can hardly wait! Until then, I’ll be dreaming of sunny skies, butterflies, and you—my very best friend and amazing supporter. Thanks for everything you do for me.

(With help from your correspondent, Mary)