Update for Anka

Update for Anka

Hello sweet friends,

The leaves on the trees are changing color and when they fall off, they float and spin to the ground and I want to chase them all! I’ve been spending lots of time outdoors, as usual. I’m grateful for the cooler weather so I can be outside for longer periods of time. There’s nothing quite like fresh air and all the sights, smells, and sounds of nature—well, except for treats. Treats are pretty special, too, but I’m not supposed to have any ☹.

I was put on a special diet and medication to help make it easier to express me. I continue to be a challenge whenever the staff expresses me, so it doesn’t seem to be working just yet. If it’s not going to work, then I’m going to demand that I be allowed to have treats again. So what if I’m fat? There will be more of me to love. Wish me luck, please.

In other news, my luxury accommodations continue to be popular with other lobby cats. This time, Rose has hopped into my enclosure several times. You know I’m not a fan of other cats, but Rose is a little cutie with her funky, colorful diapers, so I behaved like a gentleman and didn’t go after her.

I think of you a lot when I’m on my stroller rides and lounging in my luxury accommodations. Thank you for making this life possible for me.

Sending you so much love,
(With help from your correspondent, Mary)