Update for Anka

Update for Anka

Hello friends,

Every once in awhile, I’ll try a new trick to keep our amazing Tabby’s Place staff on their toes. This month, I learned that if the latch on my gate is not completely closed, I can push the door open and escape. And escape I did! Unfortunately, it was caught on film, so I got busted and now people are more careful to ensure my latch is fully closed.

Apparently, staffers and volunteers were notified not to give the lobby cats too many treats, especially the paraplegic cats. If you received this notice, it was a big misunderstanding and you can disregard it (I wish!). Seriously, we’re getting fat. And all the yummy treats lead to digestive issues and the extra fat makes it difficult to express some of us. I think it’s just as hard—maybe even harder—for our people not to give us treats than it is for us not to receive them. We give them our cutest look as we beg for more. It’s hard to resist us!

I continue to go for strolls with my favorite volunteers. As soon as I see them, I let them know I’m ready for my stroll. I also love my supervised time outside in a giant pen that the volunteers set up in the grass behind Tabby’s Place, where I bird watch, take naps, chase bugs, and eat grass. I’m looking forward to the cooler fall weather and more time outdoors!

I send you all the thanks and love my heart can hold for being my special friend and devoted supporter.

Lots of love,
(With help from your correspondent, Mary)