Update for Anka

Update for Anka

Hello, my dear friends,

I love the fall season, with leaves falling everywhere and a crisp, earthy smell in the air. I’m spending lots of time outside in my stroller or in my pen with my people. And I’m still walking on clouds from being the special guest at our annual Volunteer Appreciation Picnic last month.

As you know, I’m no fan of the other lobby cats, but I secretly find them amusing at times. Take Olive, the other paraplegic lobby cat, for example. She is the Greeter of Tabby’s Place Visitors most of the time. She sits at the front door waiting to greet our people friends. At other times, though, she can be quite feisty, especially when she’s having her bladder expressed (I can relate). She’s a lover and a fighter all wrapped up in one adorable bundle.

And then there’s sweet little Rose, scooting around in her diaper. Don’t be fooled by her Southern charm, she’s a little Houdini master and can escape from her diaper faster than a lightning strike. She’s made many people smile as she proudly sits on a chair next to her removed diaper.

I also love to experience new volunteer orientations. I get to hear the lovely Tabby’s Place staff share all the tricks of the trade in terms of how to best handle us kitties. I’m taking notes. You never know when they’ll come in handy.

The lobby is entertaining, that’s for sure. And with Halloween just a couple of weeks away here in the U.S., things should get even more interesting soon. Last year, they dressed me up in a banana split costume, and boy was I cute! What will I dress up as this year? You’ll just have to come see me or wait for the pictures next month!

Thanks for all your continued love and support. Sending you so much love.

(with help from your correspondent, Mary)