Update for Anka

Update for Anka

Hello, my friends,

With the growing number of paraplegic cats at Tabby’s Place, I’ve observed two important things: (1) none of us paraplegic cats feel limited by our disabilities (have you seen Olive fly through the lobby?), and (2) every one of us hates to have our bladders expressed.

Our brave Tabby’s Place staff has the unfortunate duty of expressing our bladders. So how do we respond? We fight. We scream. We throw oversized tantrums. And, sometimes, we exhibit misdirected anger…

For example, feisty Olive pushed even her own crazy limits during a recent bladder expression. She became so enraged, she flailed and screamed in all directions, finally flinging herself toward me and trying to attack me through the bars of my luxury accommodations. I despise other cats, so I saw this as an opportunity to show her who’s boss. The staff quickly intervened, and all is forgotten.

Because I’m the only cat in my luxury accommodations, my own anger is directed to our kind staff during bladder expressions. One of the newest staff members recently beamed with pride that I haven’t bit her yet this month. Note to self: Try to be kinder to the staff that’s trying to help you.

So now that you know my least favorite thing in the world, let me tell you about my favorite: stroller rides! Volunteers often take other cats around the sanctuary in a stroller to see whether they’re a good fit for our Aged to Purrfection program. Whenever this happens, I get so excited, I meow loudly until someone gives me my very own stroller ride. Thank you, lovely volunteers, for my happy stroller rides around the sanctuary!

I love that people fuss over me every day and that my luxury accommodations are filled with lots of toys and items of comfort. Many thanks for making that possible for me.

Hugs and kisses,
(with help from your correspondent, Mary)