Update for Anka

Update for Anka

My dearest friends,

I am a cat with a purpose! I have learned here at Tabby’s Place that my life’s purpose is to bring joy to humans, especially elderly humans. Because I (and the other furballs that are part of the Aged to Purrfection program) have brought so much joy to seniors, the kind people at Tabby’s Place have added two nursing care facilities to the roster. This makes my heart very happy. I can hardly wait to spread more love and share the stories with you.

We have a new and very loud Bengal-mix cat, Cheela, living in the lobby. He demands attention and has a lot to say. Unfortunately, no one has yet taught him to use his indoor voice, so he meows at the top of his lungs as though we’re all hard of hearing.

On his very first stroll around the lobby, he made a point of hissing in my face. Seriously? I guess he didn’t yet get the memo that I am the ultimate tough guy. If it weren’t for my luxury accommodations (the large pen that keeps me contained), he would quickly learn that I don’t take kindly to insubordination.  Is it any wonder I prefer humans to these uneducated and insubordinate feline newcomers?

My correspondent recently brought me a new blue ball filled with catnip. I played with my ball, finished my yummy treats, fell asleep and had sweet dreams of all the loving support I’m so lucky to receive. Thank you, my good friends, for your giant, loving hearts.



(with help from your correspondent, Mary)