Update for Anka

Update for Anka

Hello my special friends,

It is said that magic is all around us. For me, magic comes in the form of humans. Big humans, little ones, older, younger – doesn’t matter. I love them all. Just before Christmas, I had the chance to visit an elementary school and make new friends with seven- and eight-year-old kids. Little people are so much fun!

Their teacher is a devoted Tabby’s Place volunteer who shares stories of all the cats with her students. These little love-filled humans heard my story and were delighted to meet me in person. And I was honored to get to know them! I’m proud to say I stayed calm, even with 20 kids screaming in excitement.

The kids made toys and Christmas cards for all the cats at Tabby’s Place. I got my own special card and toys, and lots of hugs and pets from the cutest kids on the planet. I felt like Santa Claus, bringing hand-made toys and cards back to all the kitties. This is a special day that I will never forget.

Back on the home front, I am excited for a new year of being fussed over by staff, volunteers and visitors. You can say I’m surrounded by magic every day. You are an important part of the magic in my life. Thank you from my whole heart for being my good friend and supporter.

