Update for Adelaide

Update for Adelaide

Happy almost-Spring, Team Adelaide!

Daffodils are dancing, crocuses are crowning…and the sun is shining warm on our favorite fearless calico.

Spring is springing; and, as in all seasons, so is one Adelaide.

With winter’s worrisome infection now part of ancient history, Addy has roared back to health this month. This return to full-strength zippitude is not a moment too soon, either. Addy’s had some important work to do this month.

The nature of that work? Oh, just standard Sheriff Stuff: hazing newcomers.

Suite FIV has had no shortage of newcomers recently. From sweet-natured Socks to bumbling Bunk and anxious Amos, the new boys have been more plentiful than presidential candidates.

You might say that our little fireball Addy has done her part to, um, “debate” with them all.

Is that Bunk checking out Addy’s food? KAPOW! Is Mr. Grey Fluffy Pants contemplating cuddling a little too close? BONK! And — could it be — is McNulty seriously considering sneaking into a human lap? SHAZAM!

She doesn’t mean any harm. She honestly doesn’t do any harm. She just makes her point…rather effectively.

Is it awful that I kind of admire her for it? 😉

After all, our zesty Addy didn’t make it through years of toils and fears by being a marshmallow. Then again, “marshmallow” is an apt description for Adelaide’s state of mind in the company of our species. Cats are rivals, but humans are Adelaide’s pearls of great price.

And the love flows both ways. Ceaselessly.

As a side effect of that Addy-oration, we human types have the tendency to get a little neurotic when it comes to Adelaide’s health. Especially since her minor scare last month, we’ve been watching her warily: Is she eating? Is she eating enough? Is every little thing absolutely and totally OK?!

Accordingly, we’ve taken to crating Adelaide each day around noon, for a smorgasbord of high-calorie food. Addy is entirely okay with this, and eats her dish of delicacies very nicely.

Or, in some cases, her five dishes.

It seems some among our staff have gotten a tad overzealous about feeding Addy. How else to explain the fact that, on multiple occasions, Addy’s somehow acquired three or four or five — literally five — plates of different entrees?

How else indeed…except love?

In slightly less scrumptious matters, that love’s also led us to tweak Addy’s medical regimen this month. Since Adelaide does have early kidney disease, we’re treating her with iron dextran, a supplement to prevent anemia. We’re also regularly checking her blood, and if she does have anemia, we’re giving her a bone marrow stimulant to stop that anemia in its tracks.

As far as our girl is concerned, it’s all gravy. Now, if you’ll pardon me, I have to go bring Adelaide five or seven or eighty dishes of gravy-glopped goodies. Thank you for making her delicious life possible!