Update for Adelaide

Update for Adelaide

Happy New Year to Addy’s lads and lasses.

It may be the depths of winter, and she may be another year older, but our Adelaide is feeling younger than springtime.*

January 1st is the highly unofficial birthday of every single cat at Tabby’s Place. Since (with rare exceptions) we don’t know when they actually showed up on the planet, we celebrate everyone’s special day on 1/1. This means that Adelaide is now estimated to be thirteen years old.

If she were a giant tortoise, she’d still be a baby. If she were a human, she’d be crying over the breakup of One Direction. But Addy’s a cat, so she’s technically, totally elderly.

She just hasn’t gotten that particular memo.

Exhibit A: medication time. None of the cats particularly enjoy getting pilled or plied with nasty liquids, but some of them submit to the process more than others. I’ve been told, for instance, that Morgan becomes a placid potato for his pilling: OK, if this has to happen, I’ll sit very still for your convenience. Take your time. It’s OK.

Adelaide…not so much.

Our girl hasn’t generally required any daily medications, much to her delight. As her friends, foes and neighbors are pilled, Addy’s scampered through the suite, even “assisting” by perching on the pilling person’s shoulder. (Yes, I think this is hilarious. No, I am not one of the pilling persons. Yes, there are perks to being the Development Director.)

But when she developed an upper respiratory infection, Addy required antibiotics. After approximately one experience of this, Adelaide made a decision.

You’re gonna pill me? Alright. It’s on like Donkey Kong.

Cue the sprinting.

No Olympian could compete with our “elderly” calico’s speed. Banking off the walls, gazelle-like with her long legs flying, Addy wasn’t so much scared as…well, having fun, frankly. She knew she had the pilling person over a barrel, and she liked that just fine. None less than Jonathan, our Founder and Executive Director, admitted, with a defeated sigh, “She’s agile, that Adelaide.”

Eventually, of course, pilling people prevailed, and Addy got her meds. Then, of course, she recovered, and now she’s again just an exuberant observer of pill-time. I’m pretty sure she thinks this means she won.

I’m pretty sure she’s right.

Of course she’s right.

Dear sponsors, thank you for getting Adelaide’s 13th year off to such a romping, righteous start. Thanks to you, all she does is win. She and I send you our love and deepest thanks.

*And if you happened to catch that reference, I love you and we should be best friends.