

From the time he arrived at Tabby’s Place, Ringo has made himself known as one of the “nicest cats in the world”. With his sunny personality, it seems fitting to describe him as one small brown furry sunburst (his head) sitting atop another bigger brown furry sunburst (his body). Ringo is a long-haired black, brown, and grey tabby, much resembling a Maine Coon, and he often strikes his “best pose” when you enter his suite to visit with him, looking up invitingly. When Ringo was diagnosed with diabetes, his owner was no longer able to care for him, and his veterinarian took him in temporarily. When a spot opened up, Tabby’s Place gladly accepted him.Ringo is 14 years old, and as a result of his diabetes, he has developed diabetic neuropathy in his rear legs, a nervous system disease which causes weakness and affects the way that he walks. Ringo walks on his hocks (or back part of his legs) rather than on his toes, and his knees stay close to the ground. At times his hind legs will slide out from under him. Although he is no longer able to jump to higher places, Ringo is able to climb onto the couches in his suite and find a cozy place to curl up. Ringo1.jpgCurrently, Ringo requires only one small dose of insulin each day, but of course he must be closely monitored for changes in his glucose levels. Although his neuropathy will not get better, he is able to get around very well and does not seem to notice his own limitations. He loves to be around people and is always eager to be petted. If he is ignored, he will first try a poke with a furry paw, and if this does not work, he pulls out his secret weapon, the furry forehead nudge, to get his required attention.Ringo2.jpgPlease consider sponsoring Ringo and help us to give him the best care possible. He is a wonderful fellow, both in charm and in good looks, and his earnest manner of winning people over has earned him quite a fan base here at Tabby’s Place. I suppose this is something he has in common with his namesake!