Princess Zara

Princess Zara

We’ve had a Jester, a Queen and a King, but Princess Zara just might be the most elegant member in the royal court at Tabby’s Place.

In addition to being just about the cutest sweetheart we’ve ever seen, Zara is every bit a lady. With her tiny, chirplike meow, Princess Zara is a dainty darling who already has the entire Tabby’s Place team hopelessly smitten.

As beautiful and special as she is, Princess Zara wears her crown very lightly. Equally happy to pose regally or to act like a goofball, Zara has a wonderful silly side. She loves to roll around for a belly rub, and especially likes being petted while she eats. In fact, we’ve discovered that our little Princess eats much better when she is continually stroked at mealtime. If you stop petting Zara, she will immediately look up at you with wide, wondering eyes, as if to say, Why? Naturally, you can’t help but resume adoring her.

Given Zara’s grace-full history, it’s no surprise that she considers adoration her birthright. As a tiny kitten, Princess Zara was blessed to be rescued by kind volunteers at a public shelter. Over the next two years, as Zara bided her time on the waiting list for Tabby’s Place’s FIV+ suite, the volunteers took turns fostering her in their homes. We were all thrilled when Zara reached the top of the list and came to live at Tabby’s Place.

As our FIV+ cats go, Princess Zara is a bit of an anomaly. With her dainty beauty, she doesn’t have even a hint of the “battle-worn” appearance of our several FIV+ boys with their nicked ears and noses. While most of our FIV+ cats are middle-aged and older males, who most likely contracted the virus from street fights with other toms, Zara is only about two years of age and in stellar health. Happily, there’s every reason to believe that Princess Zara’s good health will continue for many years to come. While FIV (also known as feline immunodeficiency virus) compromises a cat’s immune system and makes her more vulnerable to infection, excellent care and vigilant monitoring can help a kitty like Zara to live for as many healthy years as any “normal” cat.


While Princess Zara’s FIV+ status would likely put her on the short list for euthanasia at most public shelters, at Tabby’s Place she enjoys the sweet life in Suite FIV. We take no chances with our little royal and her roomies; the FIV+ cats at Tabby’s Place are monitored carefully for any signs of sickness, and the staff is especially vigilant about disease control procedures in their suite. Zara and her FIV+ suitemates also receive frequent examinations from our veterinarian, and are fed a high-quality (and more expensive) diet, in hopes of boosting their immune systems.


We’re entirely under the spell of our darling Princess Zara at Tabby’s Place, and we are thrilled to get to adore her for however long she’s with us. While we have a good feeling that her beauty and amazing personality will steamroll the usual roadblock FIV puts up for potential adopters, we know that, realistically, Princess Zara has slimmer chances of being adopted than the average cat. While she awaits her very own royal family, Princess Zara would love to have you in her royal court as her adoring sponsor. Please help us to care for this angelic little cat.