

Oreo has a bit of a mysterious past.

We don’t know exactly what happened in Oreo’s life before he came to Tabby’s Place, but we do know that he is in good health (aside from being FIV+); he is about eight years young, and has a most winsome personality.

To meet Oreo is to encounter a large, lissome feline with coal black markings upon his immaculate coat of white fur. His nose and lips are the palest of “newborn pink,” and his top lip has a tiny curl to it, giving him a unique, somewhat comedic expression. Oreo’s left ear is a bit crumpled and notched (we suspect it might have been injured in a fight). Within Oreo’s otherwise iridescent gold-green eyes there is a reddish-brown fleck in the iris of his left eye (this is just an irregularity in pigmentation and does not in any way affect his vision, however, there is the remote possibility that it could become cancerous in future).

Neglect had taken its toll on poor Oreo’s teeth, which were in such a dreadful state when he arrived at Tabby’s Place that the majority of them had to be extracted. This lack of dentition has not in any way hampered Oreo’s appetite. Always keen for a cat treat, Oreo is the first one at your feet when he detects the sound of a fresh bag of goodies being opened. Or he will go to great heights on the suite condos to be sure he receives his fair share (and everyone else’s share too!). Yes, that’s right, Oreo is a bit of a “treat-piggy.” He goes about it with such charm and aplomb, however, that you just have to laugh.Oreo3351.jpgOreo3352.jpg

Cats that are FIV+ have been infected with the Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV). This virus disables or destroys the white blood cells, and leaves the cat susceptible to infections. Once a cat is infected with FIV, the cat is infected for life and can transmit the virus if he or she bites another cat.

Even though Oreo is FIV+, he remains healthy, strong and active. Therefore, we have great hope for his future — a future that includes the right someone to give this extraordinary cat a forever home. Until that happy day, won’t you please become one of Oreo’s sponsors, so that we can continue to give him the care, love and attention he so richly deserves?