

Ike has cerebellar hypoplasia (CH), a neurological disorder characterized by lack of balance and coordination. Ike was born with CH and most likely contracted it when his mother was exposed to distemper (or the distemper vaccine) while she was pregnant. Cats with CH have an underdeveloped cerebellum, the part of the brain that manages motor control. As a cat with CH, Ike has tremors and a general lack of coordination. His legs move independently of each other and, consequently, he can have a hard time getting from point A to point B without several unintentional detours.

This doesn’t seem to affect Ike’s outlook on life in the least; in fact, he’s one of the nicest cats around. Ike spends his nights crated for safety, and when he gets out in the morning, the first thing he does is take a stroll (in his own wobbly way) around the lobby to check up on things and say hello to his fellow felines. The lobby has some notoriously tough kitties in residence, but that doesn’t faze Ike; in fact, he’s such a nice guy that even cats who don’t like other cats don’t take exception to him.


Once his morning tour is accomplished, Ike settles in near his crate for the day and looks for visitors, both human and feline, to stop by and say hello. He likes to sit with friends, and loves to snuggle with people – pick him up and he curls into you, like he’s giving you a hug with his whole body!

There is no treatment for CH, but Ike will require extra time and attention from the Tabby’s Place staff and volunteers. He is good about using his litter box, but, as you might expect, he often makes a bigger mess than he started with when he tries to clean up after himself. He’s also at greater risk for injury since his motor skills are so low.


We love our sweet wobbly tabby cat, and we know that you will, too! Ike is fortunate to have found a home at Tabby’s Place, and we are hopeful that this special cat will find his forever home someday. In the meantime your sponsorship of Ike will help provide him with the extra time and care that he needs as a cat with CH.