

Franny is a favorite among Tabby’s Place’s staff and volunteers, for reasons she’s happy to display to all who meet her. Sweet-eyed Franny is a first-class snuggle bunny and stealer of hearts, happiest when on the receiving end of human affection. She’s especially delighted if she can receive that affection while hanging out in her kitty bed of choice – a cardboard box.

Franny, like Hillary, lives in our Community Room, where she’s trained her staff (I mean, the staff) to save all Franny-sized cardboard boxes, so as to expand her selection. Around 4:00 almost every day, Franny makes her move from the box on our Development Director’s desk to the floor, pausing to sashay across the printer, and in the process stepping on the button to print a ‘test page’ along the way (which means we have all the ‘test pages’ we could ever need at this point). As you can see, this girl is anything but forgettable, but, just in case, anyone silly enough to forget the importance of Franny for a moment too long will receive a plaintive reminder in the form of her rather loud mews for attention.

So why is a sweetheart like Franny still waiting to be adopted? Between her advanced age (~13) and a full palette of medical issues, Franny will need a special person to take her home. Franny suffers from arthritis, which causes her to limp and hobble. To keep her as comfortable as possible, we mitigate the arthritis with several injectable medications. Franny also has asthma, which is treated with an inhaler not unlike those used by human asthmatics. In addition, Franny is in CRF (chronic renal failure). CRF is usually a disease that progresses slowly, and cats can live with it for years (sometimes, however, it can progress very rapidly). Characterized by irreversible lesions within the kidney, CRF can be treated well with a combination of fluid therapy, special diet, and vigilant veterinary attention. Franny1.jpgFranny2.jpg

Presently, this treatment regime is keeping our Franny in stable health, and we are hopeful that she’ll enjoy many more years of sweetness – ideally as a cherished pet. In the meantime, your kind monthly sponsorship will help us to keep our “Franny Pants” healthy, comfortable, and embraced by the cuddles (and cardboard boxes) she adores.