
Gender Female
Breed DSH
Color White Cream
Markings Other
Personality other
How I Feel About Children Unknown
How I Feel About Dogs Unknown
How I Feel About Cats Very Comfortable
Age 12 years


Tabby’s Place does a good deal of "t-n-r" work these days. If you don’t know, that stands for trap-neuter-release. Cats in feral colonies are trapped, spayed or neutered and checked for health issues, then released back to their colonies, preventing any increase in the already excessive homeless cat population. Many of these colonies are cared for by some very special people, and we received a report from one of them about a tiny, very skinny female was was frequently bullied by the other felines around her and didn’t seem to be getting much to eat. Eventually, we were able to trap her; that’s our Bubbles.

We quickly discovered that Bubbles was indeed very skinny, and she’s also quite cross-eyed. We don’t know if she was bumping into objects or the other cats, but it’s a possibility, although typically one eye would take over to prevent a cat from seeing double. In any case, there’s no way to correct her crossed eyes.

Even discounting her current thin frame, Bubbles is petite. She’s got cute grey tabby patches over both ears and a very symmetrical face. There’s a large tabby patch over her back, and the rest of her coat is white, except, possibly, for her tail, which I haven’t seen yet. We believe Bubbles was born sometime in 2013, and as far as we know she has no medical issues other than her crossed eyes.

At present, Bubbles is extremely frightened of us. We cannot be sure if she has lived indoors before, although she’s taken well to using a litter box. She’ll need some socialization before she goes to a home, and an adopter with experience in dealing with cats is preferable. For the present, because Bubbles is so scared, she needs to go to a home without small children.

Bubbles has had a difficult life to date. We understand that she is not a good match for many people, but we’re hoping that the right person for this girl will walk through our doors sooner rather than later.