Tanzanite (Tanzy to her friends) was found by Animal Control when she was 2 days old. Judging from the puncture wounds on Tanzy’s side, she’d been attacked by some larger creature. By the time the newborn reached us, Tanzy was riddled with parasites and barely clinging to life.Through a generous grant from Paws and Claws Society, Inc., we were able to embrace the desperate kitten into the Tabby’s Place family.
After several hours of supportive care, tiny Tanzy had a shot at survival. IV fluids would rehydrate her tiny body and deliver antibiotics, and a Tabby’s Place staff member would provide Tanzy with ’round-the-clock care and affection. Even in the midst of her struggle, Tanzy’s spark was bright. Gerbil-sized and the color of a toasted marshmallow, the kitten already wiggled with life.
During her first week of life, Tanzy needed tube feeding, as she wouldn’t drink from a bottle. As she grew stronger, she took to a bottle, and her hydration improved to the point where she no longer needed fluid therapy. But Tanzy’s trials were far from over.
We soon noticed that Tanzy was not using her back legs. It seems that the attack caused spinal trauma, permanent nerve damage…and paraplegia.
But fearless Tanzy shows no signs of mourning for the “normal” life she’ll never know. Whether springing after other kittens or filling Tabby’s Place with her purr, Tanzy abounds with joy.
To keep on thriving, Tanzy will need specialized care and all the love we can give. Tanzy is unable to go to the bathroom by herself, and so we express her bladder and colon three times a day.
In addition, Tanzy will likely soon begin daily physical therapy. Since she is so young (seven weeks as of mid-August 2014), we are optimistic that specialized therapy can help to improve her mobility. Ultimately, we may also outfit her with a mobility cart.
Like the gem for which she’s named, our rare Tanzanite has experienced the fires of trauma. Yet we know Tanzy will continue to take it all in stride. She has lots of fight in her, and so much love to give. She is safe now, and has more affection than she knows what to do with.
Now Tanzy needs your support to grow up strong, healthy and cherished. Together we can make sure our little wonder has everything she will ever need.