
Tabby's Place

Dear Allyson Schiller,

Jodi, Erika & Mollissa WITH LOVE has donated to Tabby’s Place In Memory Of Dilys Smith.

Here is Jodi, Erika & Mollissa’s personal message for you:

Dearest Ally,”What is lovely never dies, but passes into another loveliness, Star-dust or sea-foam, Flower or winged air. “We love you so much/ We just wanted to do a little something in honor of your mom. Every day when you look in the mirror you can see your mom in YOU. Your strength, dimples. glow and dance moves too. What an everlasting gift. Your mom and dad will be watching over you forever. Love,Jodi, Mollissa & Erika

Tabby’s Place is a cage-free, no-kill sanctuary for hopeless situations. To learn more about how this gift will help save lives, please visit www.tabbysplace.org.


The Cats and Humans of Tabby’s Place


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