Update for Yardley

Update for Yardley

Greetings Yardley Sponsors!!!

I hope everyone is enjoying the summer.

Yardley is doing fantastic. Her weight is great. She’s eating great. Her stool is normal. She had bloodwork two weeks ago, which was fantastic. We are beyond happy that she is doing so well.  I sent all of her recent diagnostics to Yardley’s oncologist. She is thrilled that Yardley is doing so well. This wonderful doctor is the one who diagnosed Yardley with multiple myeloma, the type of cancer that Yardley has.

The oncologist thought that Yardley had maybe 6 months to a year to live. Right now it has been 4 months since that prognosis. Yardley is not showing any signs of slowing down or feeling crummy. She is handling her chemotherapy drugs very well. She is comfortable and happy.  Yardley’s oncologist said to not change any of her medications. We will continue her monthly bloodwork checks and monitor her for any changes.  We are over the moon happy that she is doing so well.

When Yardley first came to live at our house, I got her a small cat tree so she could look out the window. She did not seem to care for it. I thought all cats loved to look outside. It was nice out so we had the windows open. It did not seem to make a difference to her. I would pick her up and put her on the perch.  She would jump down right away. I eventually moved the cat tree out of her room and let my other cats enjoy it.

My son has a loft bed with a futon underneath it. The futon is folded up so it fits like a chair, right next to a window. The past two weeks, Yardley has been hanging out on the futon. Does she like to look out the window? I do not know. Every time I go into the room, Yardley jumps down off the futon to greet me. She’s a very sweet girl. It does make me wonder. Was she once in a home where she was not allowed on the furniture?  There is no way to really know, but I do enjoy overthinking life.

Either way, I am glad she is finally enjoying the finer things in life. We love sweet Yardley and we are so happy that she is doing so well. Thank you so much for sponsoring her and helping this sweet girl enjoy her senior years in a loving home.

Your correspondent,