Update for Yardley

Update for Yardley

Greetings, Yardley Sponsors!

Hope you are well! It’s freezing outside! We are very thankful for heat.  I love New Jersey very much but if I ever moved, it would be to somewhere where the weather is warm year-round.

This is all unrelated to Yardley but these are the thoughts in my head.

Yardley continues to surpass all expectations. She is doing fantastic. She loves hanging out on a pile of stuffed animals. It used to take me a while to find Yardley if she was not on the futon in my son’s room. Now I know exactly where she is. She is in my other son’s room, on a pile of stuffed animals.

While we do let her out of my son’s room (i.e., her room) during the day, at night Yardley needs to be kept in her room. She doesn’t fight with the other cats but she lets them know not to mess with her. Yardley possesses an extensive vocabulary of growls and other sounds that she uses to let this be known. When this happens during the day, it’s generally easy to ignore.

Nighttime is a different story. Despite the fact that we’re deep sleepers, Yardley definitely wakes up our entire family when she decides to tell the other cats who is boss. Although we make sure she is in her room at night, we live in an old house and the door doesn’t close all the way. Yardley has figured out how to paw at the door to get it to open. She likes to do this around 4:30am, which is super fun.

I have been making sure to really close the door well, so that she can’t perform her night escape act . Her response? She started ripping up the rug! Last week, we couldn’t get the door open due to the rug being ripped up. After much pushing and shoving, we finally got the door open and were able to nail down the rug. So far, Yardley has left it alone.

Other than this drama, Yardley is doing incredibly well. She is sweet and friendly with the humans. She is having normal stool and eats all her food. She is due this week for her monthly check up. Fingers crossed that all goes well!

Thanks for sponsoring this sweet girl and letting her live out her life in a loving home.

Your correspondent,