Update for Charlie

Update for Charlie

Dear friends,

Ok, what happened to summer? Does anyone know? Last week I was lounging on my screen solarium, enjoying the warmth, and now it’s quite chilly out there. I still go out there for a little while, but I much prefer the warmth of my bed inside. There is something very comforting about snuggling up on my bed, and it’s even better when Momma is there too. I wake Momma up several times each night with a big headbutt. Sometimes it takes a few headbutts before she wakes up, but I keep going until she knows I’m there, then we snuggle, and she kisses my head. I like that a lot. My momma is always telling me I’m so cute, that I’m her boy, and tells me she loves me. I like that a lot too. I’m snuggled up close to Momma as I write this to you, which makes me feel happy and safe.

I peed in Momma’s shoe. I don’t think she liked that, but I have no idea why. If she didn’t want me to pee in her shoes she shouldn’t leave them on the bottom shelf, where anyone can pee in them. I think I taught Momma a lesson because her shoes aren’t there anymore.

We are….. what was the word?…. oh right, fostering a kitten. Apparently Momma “fosters” these things quite often, and boy, are they tiny! Momma told me this is a baby cat! She said I was that small at one time! I don’t know if Momma is right about that, I’m pretty big, and it seems like I’ve always been this size. Anyway, this kitten thing can’t even eat food!! It just sucks white stuff from a tiny bottle. Isn’t it hungry? I will share some of my food with the kitten if that will help. Momma says the kitten will be with us until he grows up enough to eat on his own, then he will go to Tabby’s Place, and look for a family of his own. I must remember to tell him to ask for a family with a huge bed to lay on.

I share the bed with Tanzy sometimes, one of the scooting cats. I don’t mind, she is always nice to me. Castiel, the other scooting cat, is still annoying, but he can’t get up on the bed, I’m not sure why, but I’m glad he can’t bother me up here.

Well, it’s my nap time, so I am going to sleep now. Thank you all for being my friend, and helping Tabby’s Place, and Momma to take care of me. I am a really happy boy.

Your pal,
