Sponsor Updates for TNR Fund

Update for the TNR Fund

Happy May, Team TNR. I hope your hearts are frolicking through these sweet springy days. Sometimes I stop and remind myself just what remarkable people you are, choosing — month after month — to give to cats you’ll likely never meet, all for love’s sake. I can never fully express all my thanks for your […]

Update for the TNR Fund

Happy spring, team TNR! It’s here now, real and full, and can the bounty of blossoms be far behind? No…at least, not if, by “blossoms,” you mean “newborn kittens.” You guessed it; the annual “harvest” has begun, and Tabby’s Place is on the front lines of kittenpalooza. The practice of TNR aims to prevent as […]

Update for TNR Fund

Happy March, dear sponsors. I hope life is marching on merrily in your world, and that early hints of spring are finding you and filling you with hope.

Update for TNR Fund

Happy belated Valentine’s Day, beautiful souls! Pop quiz: how do you make a feral cat feel loved? You accept her for who she is, and speak her “love language”…even if you must speak very softly. Loving our free-roaming feline valentines took multiple shapes this month. We’ll get to the classic heart-shaped honeys in a moment […]

Update for TNR Fund

Happy New Year, community cat champs! We’re knee-deep in winter now, with blustery days and post-holiday blues testing our inner sunshine. But no matter how frosty it gets, sunny hope isn’t hard to find for the cats in our TNR program, thanks to you. First, a happy coda to last month’s update: both Maurice and […]

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