Update for Newman

Update for Newman

Greetings Newman adorers,

Fall is upon us at Tabby’s Place, and the kitties are delighted. They are big fans of snuggle time, especially our sweet Newman. On a recent visit, he quickly claimed my husband’s lap and became blissfully happy – see that beautiful smile? – as he was scratched and skritched to his heart’s content.

Early one afternoon, the highway to Newman’s solarium was closed. It was time for super special volunteers to scrub and polish Newman’s outdoor world. This does not sit well with Suite FIV occupants, as they like continuous access. Newman had been anxiously awaiting the waving of the flag (he had the ‘lead position’ to escape to the outdoors), but as soon as he realized he had company, he tossed that thought away and relished in all that is good and wonderful about human companionship.

Newman’s buddy Buddy was also ‘all in’ on the idea of human companionship, but remained unsettled and very active, anxiously waiting for his big break to the outdoor world. He has had a bit of a tough time this month with nose scratches that are refusing to heal with antibiotics. Our vet doesn’t suspect anything sinister, but since we’re not sure what’s going on here, we conducted a punch biopsy of the area.

Newman hasn’t been without his own medical drama this month. It can be dangerous following people around — just ask Newman. In one of Newman’s recent attempts to follow humans in and out of the solarium, our poor boy got his tail caught in the door. If you have never heard the particular sound a cat makes when this happens, I hope you never do. This is actually the second time this has happened to Newman. (The first time, he needed sutures to mend, and lost a tiny part of his tail.)

Fortunately, Newman has recovered, and he’s back to following affection wherever it leads. Of course, we are extremely careful — and we’ll be all the more so with our door-darting boy.

Newman and everyone at Tabby’s Place are so grateful for your love and support. You help provide Newman with all that he could possibly hope for while he awaits his forever home.

Have a beautiful October!