Update for Newman

Update for Newman

Greetings Newman sponsors,

Comings and goings have continued in Newman’s suite this month. The cats of Suite FIV have enjoyed many visitors, and as usual Newman’s done his darndest to steal every spotlight. While other cats often doze through visits from sponsors or adopters, Newman almost always rouses himself to greet them with gusto. This gives him an early advantage with such visitors; by the time the other cats stir to life, they’re already smitten with Newman, laps occupied.

Suite FIV suffered a huge loss this month, as Pyewacket lost his battle with cancer. He was a gentle soul with a big heart and will be greatly missed by all.

New buddies joined Newman’s world this month, too, as timid Amos and mushy McNulty moved to Suite FIV. Semi-feral Amos has so far been too shy to spend much time with cats or people. I found him tucked in under a cabinet and seeming fairly content.

McNulty, however, adores humans. He gets a little bit squirrelly sometimes (he’s been known to have some redirected aggression towards people when cats make him nervous), but he’s so good-natured that we think he’ll settle in nicely.
Pictured below left is McNulty grooming super friendly Bunk.

Relative newcomer Mr. Grey Fluffy Pants is coming into his own with quite a following as he dotes on all his visitors. If you remember from last month, he is a gorgeous long-haired grey kitty, with a big personality.

As I settled in next to Newman for a nice long visit, I was swarmed by happy cats. In less than a split second, Bunk and McNulty were stirring and both found nice comfy spots on my lap. I was happy to indulge, until McNulty indicated he wasn’t happy there anymore. With time, we trust he will become much more at ease with all his suitemates — and the friendly humans who visit him.

Sponsors, thank you for your generous support and continued adoration for sweet Newman. He has had a wonderful month, thanks to you.

Have a great March!