Update for Newman

Update for Newman

Greetings to Newman’s sponsors,

Newman and I hope that you are having a fabulous July. Newman is enjoying the solarium enormously , but then who wouldn’t enjoy it? It has all one could possibly need or desire: fresh air, a breeze, sunshine, cozy beds, oodles of toys, and all the food and water one needs to keep their tummy from feeling any hunger pangs. Ah, all is well in Newman’s corner of the world.

Typically on my visits, I find a sleepy Newman who is thinking ‘do I really want to get up now?’ But on my most recent visit, Newman was more like a jack-in-the-box, springing up into action the second I walked through the door. How sweet is that? Perhaps it was the gorgeous weather that day that made him quite inspired, but he was in his ‘zone’. He allowed me the honor of picking him up, which is very normal for Newman, but this time he stayed in my arms for a long time and he was quite content. Like I said, all is very well in Newman’s world.

This month, our gregarious guy (who looks like he’s all ‘head’ in this photo, but he’s so darn cute) has looked on with pride as his protege has made progress. One of our associates, Jess, was recently medicating Newman when Buddy strolled over and gave Jess a loving head-bump. We know Buddy’s growing trust has everything to do with Newman’s example. If you look closely at the picture on the left, that is Buddy’s sweet face peering out from behind Sonny (who is taking a rather nice siesta!).

There is a new Tabby’s Place online store with lots of nifty items, and some products even feature cats from the sanctuary. In case you might be interested in perusing, you can click here: shop.tabbysplace.org

Of course, purchases benefit the kitties at the sanctuary.

Newman and I are filled with gratitude for your love, devotion, and generosity. Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for supporting Newman and being in his life.

Have a great month!