Update for Mary

Update for Mary

Happy New Year, sponsors!

We rang in the new year at Tabby’s Place by having a secret kitty New Year’s Eve gala once all of the humans went home. Ssshhhh!!! They’ll never know. We cleaned up all the glitter and hid the party hats before the humans brought us our breakfast on New Year’s day. I actually managed to stay up until midnight this year. Did you? I hope you rang in the new year in some special way. Whether you enjoy the loud raucous parties or a quiet evening at home, I hope it was fun.

Did you make any resolutions? I never do. I don’t know why. I just never bother to. My human friends tell me that most people abandon their resolutions within a few weeks anyway. Why just disappoint yourself? I’d much rather spend my time joyously romping around and playing with everything I can get my paws on, until I flop into the nearest cozy bed for a long nap. Lots of warm, snuggly naps are what January is all about here in Ringoes, New Jersey.

A brand new year is also a perfect time to take stock of what you are grateful for in your life. And my oh my! My dearest, bestest friends… you are at the top of my list! I am so eternally, overflowingly, inexplicably grateful for you! You are why I have the happy, healthy life I have here in Suite A (the best suite, in my humble opinion). I hope you have lots to be grateful for as well. I hope your list is so long that you think you might run out of paper! And make sure you put me on that list, because I love you with all of my furry gray heart!

Let’s also be grateful for my happy and healthy month overall. Thankfully, my medication worked and I was able to put my “leaky” issues behind me. However when I was spotted coughing, since it wasn’t the first time, my super fantastic vet team conducted chest x-rays. Don’t worry! The x-rays were clear. The staff and volunteers will monitor me closely, as always.

So this month, I was wide awake every time my correspondent came by to visit me, and we cuddled quite a bit. I hope you can see all of the love I have for you in my eyes in the first picture I’m attaching here. My other picture is a more dramatic side view of my fabulously fluffy self while I was taking a drink of water. It was fun hanging out with my correspondent while we caught up on the latest news around the sanctuary. There’s always so much going on here at Tabby’s Place. Come visit or volunteer if you can!

Until next month, be kind to one another.

Love, Mary