Update for Hips

Update for Hips

Hips’ Happenings #11

Happy November, Dear Sponsors!

Russell’s shoulder is a fine place from which to watch the lobby activities!

Boy, do I have a lot to share with you!

It seems this year we are having so many wonderful events.  Just recently, we had the grand opening of Quinn’s Corner, and it was a huge success.  I was on my best behavior and helped Grecca welcome lots of folks to Tabby’s Place.

Boobalah and me in the cat tree next to the reception desk!

Then we had Halloween.  The staff decided to dress up some of the kitties in what they called “costumes.”  I don’t know what that means, but  I wasn’t having any of that.  They said if I wore a costume and did a trick, I would get a treat.

So I just decided to watch all the festivities from Russell’s shoulders.  He is a wonderful man who comes to Tabby’s all the time and does lots of chores here so we kitties can rest peacefully and enjoy each day.  (Guess what? I didn’t wear a costume, I didn’t do any tricks, and I still got a treat…Yay for me! )

However, it has always been a dream of mine to be a cover boy.  My main squeeze and BFF, Prescott, was a cover girl for the Linda Fund.  And I was hoping the staff at Tabby’s Place would realize my skills and let me be a cover boy for an event.  And my dream came true.  I am the cover boy cat for…  get ready…  here it comes…Thanksgiving with the Cats! 

Cover Boy–that’s me! Yay!

We used to do this before that nasty COVID-19 interrupted all of our lives.  But we are back on track now.  Thanksgiving with the Cats is a wonderful event to be held on Sunday, November 19th, from noon to 4.  It’s a pre-Thanksgiving feast with a silent auction and lots of things to buy like handmade catnip socks and tees and all kinds of stuff with our pictures and Tabby’s Place logos.  You can shop til you drop.  Then there is all the information about Tabby’s Place’s mission and you can see all the pictures of the kitties we have saved over the years.  And don’t forget to bring your appetite because there will be goodies.

Worn out and sleepy…

So I have to rest up because I am still in charge of the main door since Grecca keeps tabs on the back of the lobby.  I still have my favorite places to relax, but especially love that cat tree next to the desk.  And, as always, nestling in with my girl Prescott.  She and I make a good team.  We both can check out the volunteers and make sure they are doing the cleaning, giving us new blankies, and feeding us on time.

Health-wise, I am okay.  I still have a little cough from time to time but the staff is always watching me.  And I still try to steal forbidden food and treats on occasion.  But, I am really good here.

Happy Thanksgiving! This pumpkin makes a very nice pillow for naptime.

I want to say a special thank you to all of you, dear sponsors.  Thanksgiving is coming and I am so thankful to all of you for helping to support Tabby’s Place and for making my life much better.  I am so happy here (but would still love to be adopted into a wonderful home) and wish that all the kitties in the world were so lucky. You all have such big hearts and such love for us.  And I am so thankful for each and every one of you each day.  My belly is full, my health is always being watched, my blankies are soft and warm, and my days are filled with love and caring.  Thank you so very much for all of this.

Until next month, everyone please enjoy your holiday and be thankful for all that you have.

Love and kitty kisses,
(With help from your correspondent, Mary Anne)