Update for Boots

Update for Boots

Hello, my dearest friends!

Spring is well and truly here. Or so they keep saying. The nights are still a little chilly for my taste, so if you visit me, you may find me in full cuddle mode (hint, hint).

I’ll be a little less ooky to cuddle with than I have been lately, too, because my crusty bum is once again nearly cleared up. Whatever it is that I’m allergic to, I promise to try not to sit on it again. I had a special visitor this month that didn’t mind it in the least, though…in fact, he was seriously considering taking me to my forever home! I have learned not to get my hopes up to high, but it’s still exciting to be reminded that forever is just one special person away.

My close call with forever got me thinking about the nature of love. I love so much about life! I love you (of course!), I love food, I love naps, I love my forever person (whoever you may be). My heart was just so full of love, that I had to burst into poetry to say what I meant.

To Mackerels

Fair Mackerels, we weep to see
You haste away so soon;
As yet the early-rising cat
Has just attain’d his food.
Stay, stay,
All through the hasting day
Or least

Until I gobble you;
And, having noshed together, we
Will swallow you along.

We have more time to stay than you,
We have more time to savor;

Though quick we eat, and still want more,

Your flakiness we favor.

We nap
As the hours go, and fly
And you,

Like to a cat’s champagne;
So at the pearls of morning’s dew,
We’ll feast on you again.

You’ll be happy to know that not only do I love you even more than mackerel, but I promise never, ever to gobble you! Thank you for loving me, too, my dear ones!
