Update for Boots

Update for Boots

Hello sponsors of Boots! Greetings from hot and steamy New Jersey! Not that I’m complaining…

I stopped by Tabby’s Place on Friday to deliver a vase of sunflowers to cheer up the lobby. I placed them on the reception desk to greet visitors and bring a smile to everyone who walks by that busy area. No sooner did I place the vase there than Boots leaped onto the desk and decided to investigate. Sharon scooped the vase off of the desk in the nick of time, just as it was starting to tip! Can’t blame a cat for trying to get a sniff at nature’s beauty. I have to admit that this was the most energetic I’ve seen our guy. He’s usually a world-champion napper and mellow fellow. Or so I thought.

I’m told that Boots has been taking to invading his lobbymates’ territories. He strolls over to another cat’s favorite nap spot and decides to claim it as his own. And so, so, so sweet and innocent. Boots has been perfecting the “who, me?” look after taking over another’s long-time spot – you can almost hear him saying, “what? I’m just taking a nap. What’s your problem?” The problem, dear Boots, is that you are pushing their buttons!

Of course Boots has chosen the cats who have staked out their territory, like Halie, who lives under the reception desk, and Geoff, who has laid claim to Jonathan’s office. Sleeping in Halie’s bed? Taking over Geoff’s desk? I wouldn’t do it, but Boots really does enjoy asserting his Bootsitude over them. We did draw the line, though, when Boots started beating up lobby cat Ike. Ike is just about the nicest being on the face of the planet, so we cut Boots no slack with him.

You might guess that Boots is probably feeling pretty good, if he’s having so much fun at the other cats’ expense, and you would be right – no medical news for Boots this month. And I guess I was wrong about how mellow this fellow is – and I thought I was such a good judge of cats! Thank you so much for your generous care of Boots, keeping him well and able to be his mischievous little self!