With his bright, round eyes and squishable cheeks, Mousy will lure you in with his sweet gaze. Mousy is a special boy all the way from the country of Lebanon. Mousy was found with a large wound on his neck and shoulder. While he was able to receive some medical care in his home country, he needed an international rescue to help him finish the healing process. Mousy luckily was able to come to the United States with a whole crew of other cats! Thanks to weeks of treatment and a few procedures, Mousy’s wound is now healed!
Mousy is a very sweet boy, but he can be very shy at first. The big boy loves a good cheek or butt scratch and will lift his tush to the heavens if you hit “the spot.” He will rub against your hands and purr up a storm to show his appreciation and enjoys being spoken to in a soft, gentle voice. We think that Mousy would do best in an understanding, quiet home where he can be given some time and space to warm up to people. Although our boy needs a good bit of reassurance to come out of his shell, we know that the patience is worth it
Mousy thrives with other cats! Mousy came overseas with his feline bestie, Hector, and has quickly made friends with some of the other cats in his suite. Mousy loves to find a friend to hang out and lounge with. He’s even been seen trying to sneak into beds with other cats just for a good snuggle!
Mousy is young and healthy. All he needs is the right home that is willing to be a little extra patient with him. Do you think Mousy is the one for you? Consider filling out an adoption application today!